Frequently Asked Questions
I've never eaten cannabis before. How much Universal Cannabis Tonic should I take?
Cannabis of all sorts can be overwhelming if you consume too much, and Universal Cannabis Tonic is very potent. For this reason, we recommend that novice cannabis users 'start low and go slow' to minimize the chances of having a challenging experience.
Start with a 5mg cannabinoid dose — 0.2ml of any blend — and wait. If you don't feel anything after a few hours, don't immediately take more. Doing so could push you out of your comfort zone.
12 hours later (at least), you'll be ready to try again with a slightly larger dose. Try 10mg this time, which is 0.4ml of Universal Cannabis Tonic. Again, wait and don't take more if you don't feel the desired effects. 12 hours later, try again with a 15mg dose, or 0.6ml.
Most people will find their effective yet comfortable dose at 15mg or less, with many choosing about 10mg, or 0.4 milliliters.
How can I ensure a consistent experience when eating Universal Cannabis Tonic?
Cannabinoids are fat-soluble and their absorption is enhanced by ingesting them along with fats. Ingestion of fat stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and promotes the formation of micelles, small structures which transport the fat and the cannabinoids to the gut absorptive surface, thereby promoting their absorption.
Of course, we recommend choosing healthy fats. One simple way to maximize cannabinoid absorption if you are not taking it around meal time is to eat a spoonful of coconut oil or nut butter with your Universal Cannabis Tonic.
When taking Universal Cannabis Tonic around meal time, it's important to take it after eating a few bites of your meal. If you take it on an empty stomach, you will feel a faster response, but some of the cannabinoids could be destroyed by your stomach acids. If you wait until after your meal, it can take a very long time (up to 4 hours) for the medicine to be absorbed into your digestive tract.
How much is a standard dose of Universal Cannabis Tonic or DEW for topical or sensual use?
While special care should be taken while determining personal edible dosage, topical and sensual use can be a little less precise. Skin absorbs the oil differently, creating a pleasant, therapeutic response in localized areas without the euphoric intensity that can come from higher levels of oral consumption.
It would take several bottles of oil to get to an uncomfortable level of stimulation when being used topically or sensually. You're more likely to make an oily mess before creating any overwhelming sensations, so feel free to use as much as you're comfortable with.
Will I be stoned if I use cannabis oil during sex?
Probably not, although it depends on how you intend to use it in the bedroom. While our cannabis oils will not get you "stoned" when used topically or sensually, any time you consume the oil, you are likely to have a more pronounced effect.
I like cannabis, but what are the risks?
Research into cannabis has been greatly hindered by its prohibition. We do know that cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years. Cannabis toxicity has never killed anyone, so it's very safe in that sense. But scientists are still uncovering the purposes of our endogenous cannabinoid system, and we simply don't know how repeated, prolonged exposure to ingested cannabinoids affects its function.
Frequent use can build a resistance to cannabinoid sensitivity (called "tolerance"), requiring larger and larger doses to elicit the same response. It's conceivable that tolerance could interfere with the body's ability to signal with endogenous cannabinoids, therefore, it seems best to err on the side of caution and choose moderation in your cannabis use.
How should I store my bottle of Universal Cannabis Tonic? Is refrigeration necessary?
Universal Cannabis Tonic is stable at room temperature and will be safe to consume for at least a year after opening. We do not recommend storing it your refrigerator, as cold temperatures can thicken the virgin coconut oil component, making it difficult to use. It is best to keep your bottle at room temperature, out of direct sunlight. If you have a bottle that is older than a year, our testing indicates that the cannabinoids are very stable, but the flavor will change over time as the oils oxidize.
I have a nut allergy, can I safely consume Universal Cannabis Tonic?
Universal Cannabis Tonic contains Almond oil, so people with sensitivities to nuts assume that they won’t be able to use it. But many people that are allergic to nuts find that they don’t react to our products. How can this be? It is because they are allergic to the proteins found in nuts, and these proteins are not present in the oil. If you have a nut allergy and are curious about trying our products, please consult with a medical professional before trying! Rules of thumb for trying it out safely - first try putting a drop of Universal Cannabis Tonic on the skin on the inside of your elbow. If the skin gets red or feels irritated, sorry, but this is not the product for you. If nothing happens, continue on to the second step - ingesting a tiny amount, just one drop, and then wait. If you feel any signs of reactivity, this is not the product for you. If nothing happens, you can slowly increase the dose, monitoring for a reaction, until you get to your preferred dose level.
What are the ‘natural flavors’ listed in the ingredients?
We use a proprietary blend of third-party certified organic essential oils as natural flavorings, in concentrations less than 1% by weight. The essential oils are all derived from plants commonly used in cooking - you have probably eaten them already a few times this week! While we prefer to keep our proprietary essential oil blend a secret, we disclose that one of the essential oils in our blend is cinnamon, an ingredient to which some people are sensitive. If you have other food sensitivities, we will gladly say YES or NO to presence of specific ingredients — just reach out to us.