Our story
This is Sally and Devan.
They are friends that met working at a residential green-building company in Portland where Sally was the CFO and Devan was a project manager. They started Luminous Botanicals together in 2014.
Devan was a medical cannabis patient that was consuming high CBD concentrates to manage chronic pain from a back injury. While the relief he found with cannabis was superior to any other treatment he tried, the concentrates were difficult to dose consistently, and there were few options in the medical dispensaries for a standardized-potency formula designed for oral dosing. They started making cannabis infusions at Devan’s house, eventually building a small laboratory off of his garage. In the fall of 2015 they began selling their cannabis oil infusions to medical dispensaries.
In the early days of the company CBD-dominant cannabis flower was hard to find, as there were few cannabis farmers that were interested in growing strains that didn’t have high levels of THC. In order to have enough supply of CBD for Luminous Botanicals, Sally and Devan started a small grow, and for the first three years of the business they grew all of the CBD-dominant cannabis that they used in their products.
Sally and Devan did everything in those first three years - growing, extracting, bottling, packaging, sales, deliveries, taking out the trash. That’s what it took to start a business without investors. Today they still own 100% of the business and have retained the freedom to make choices informed by their values rather than driven by the need for short-term profits.
This gallery has some snapshots from the early years of Luminous Botanicals:

Our values
We believe that our world suffers from a lack of connection. Too many of us are disconnected from nature, from our community, from our bodies, from the deepest truth of who we are. Cannabis, when used with intention, can be a powerful tool for connection.
We lead with our values, making decisions that support the health of our planet, our communities, and our people.
We choose to use only third-party certified organic ingredients in our products.
Our cannabis is grown by small family-owned farms that are committed to regenerative agriculture practices that sequester atmospheric carbon and improve the vitality of their watersheds.
Our production facility is powered by 100% renewable sources of electricity.
Our delivery vehicles are all hybrid-electric or fully electric.
We choose packaging that can be reused or recycled.
We pay our staff a living wage, and provide fully paid healthcare benefits and paid time off.
Our production team works a 4 day work week so that they have time to enjoy hobbies and their life beyond work.